
Season 1 : Jenny Suico

Name : Jenny Suico
Shows : Abt Ur Luv, Astigs, Inday Bote

Jenny Suico (born Jennifer Suico on February 3, 1976 in Olongapo City) is half-Filipino, half-American and a former entertainer. When she returned home from Japan from entertaining, she auditioned for Pinoy Big Brother out of boredom. She was the only housemate to enter and leave the House twice as a contestant.

The series of events that unfolded before her first voluntary exit (to help her ailing foster father) were extraordinary. Before Jenny left the house, she claimed a miracle happened to her. Unknown to her housemates, Jenny asked a sign from God to help end her dilemma of deciding whether to stay or leave the house. Jenny sought divine intervention and asked God to give her a sign that should a male housemate carry her, she would opt to stay in the house but will leave if a female housemate did it to her instead.

A night before she made her crucial decision, on their way to the kitchen for dinner, Nene carried Jenny for no apparent reason, leading her to say, "I saw the sign!" She voluntarily left the House on Day 28 (September 17, 2005) and was replaced by Sam. Her foster father died five days later due to mulitple organ failure. Jenny didn’t know that she would eventually return to the house after a month.

When Bob was ejected on October 10, 2005, Jenny was overwhelmingly voted by the people to return as Bob's replacement and continue her mission in Big Brother’s house. Among the four contenders of Big Brother’s Big Switch, Jenny ranked first in the final tally of votes, garnering 42% of the total votes cast.

The housemates were very surprised to see Jenny return to the House on Day 56 (October 15, 2005). They warmly welcomed her back. Jenny went back to living the Big Brother lifestyle by actively participating in the tasks and caring for her housemates. However, knowing that she already had a big advantage over them because of her “short vacation” in the outside world, the housemates decided to nominate her. She broke into tears after learning of her nomination. Jenny had difficulty accepting her fate since she knew that her family’s future clung on her survival in the house. Unfortunately, the public no longer supported her. Her first-ever nomination eventually led to her eviction on Day 84 (November 12, 2005).

Jenny is married and has one child. During her stay in the house, Jenny was linked with Jason. Jenny's husband and Jason's wife, Denden, were jealous of Jenny and Jason's closeness to one another. Both Jenny and Jason clarified that they were just "close friends".

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